
In Handlettering, we've been working on our logos.  Sadly, once you've made one logo, you realize you suddenly need one for every single project you work on, and soon you're figuring out perspective, construction, and logos for everything you do.  I guess a comic artist's work is never done.

I've been working on logos for Nattosoup and Ready Set Go for the past two years with little real success.  I feel that these two logos, while they might need a little tweaking, are the strongest iterations.  The Ready Set Go font is based off font designs of the 70's, and is intended to be playful, accessible, and to support the feeling of acceleration.  Past ideas included stoplights and budding plants (supporting the theme of growth).

Nattosoup is chubby and playful, an accessible logo with a thick lineweight that feels comic-booky (if that makes any sense).  Both logos would probably require further tweaking to be useable on banners and headers, but are fine for business cards.
