How to Add SEQAlab to YOUR iTunes

Every single week we explain on our podcast how to add SEQAlab to listeners' iTunes.  This is fantastic if you're ALREADY LISTENING TO SEQALAB or if a friend forced you to listen, but for the uninitiated, our insistences are unheard.  This is going to be amended right now, in a HANDY TUTORIAL FOR YOUR EYEBALLING PLEASURE.

STEP 1.  Open up ye old iTunes.  If you don't use iTunes, well, I am afraid I am not the woman to offer help and solace.  I am not a big fan of iTunes, but it's the only program I use to find and download podcasts.
STEP 2.  Go to the iTunes Store.
STEP 3:  Type "SEQAlab" in the store's search bar.  Go ahead, I'll wait for you.
See, it promises to find what we're looking for quickly.  I can not make such promises.

STEP 3:  Hit 'Enter'.  It's right there, on your keyboard.  You use it every single day.  Don't pretend like you need a picture...
There.  You have your picture.  NO EXCUSES.

And here's where that enter keystroke takes you:
Oh hey, it's the SEQAlab podcast page for iTunes.  Now you know what it looks like.

STEP 4.  Click the 'Subscrive Free' button.
Yes, you ARE sure you want to subscribe to this free podcast about comics.
Now that you're subscribed, you're ready to listen!
