Convention Style Commission Pre-Orders

Hey guys!  I'm taking preorders on con commissions for Hama-con and LouisiANIME!

If you decide to pre-order a commission, send me an email to let me know what you're thinking of (size, character, if it's not a character then any necessary reference) and I'll let you know which Paypal to send the money to.  Finished pre-orders will be available at both cons starting when the Artist Alley opens Friday morning and you can swing by to pick them up whenever's convenient for you.  Although these examples are all fanart, most of my at-con commissions are portraits- friends, couples, siblings, parents with kids, even original characters.

Of course, this isn't open to just con attendees.  Any mini watercolor order over $10 comes with free shipping to anywhere in the US.  And adding an extra character to any watercolor larger than 6"x6" is just $5 more.
