SCAD Mini Comics Expo Recap

I just realized it's been a couple weeks and I haven't even written about Editor's Day or the SCAD Mini Comics Expo.  Part of this is because I've been fairly busy- finishing my thesis paper, going to Houston for an interview, trying to get things organized.

Last year's Mini Comics Expo  was about two weeks AFTER Editor's Day weekend, but this year's Expo was held on the Saturday of Editor's Day, about an hour after the last group review.  This made juggling things a little bit difficult.  To add additional conflict, it was held outside in the courtyard behind Norris Hall, on a beautiful but scorching day.  Although tents had been provided, sitting outside for four hours during the hottest part of the day was fairly difficult, particularly for someone who's sensitive to heat.

I went directly from my last review, in all of my professional finery, to the courtyard to begin setting up for the Expo.  Heidi had claimed a spot for us that should have been fairly shady, but the heat of the day was pretty persistent.

We painted a new banner to match my existing tablecloth

Lately our shared tables have been pretty crowded (we've amassed quite a collection of products), so we'd worked hard to pare things down.  I had chapters 1 and 2 of 7" Kara, my (very very few) remaining acrylic charms, a fresh round of chiyogami buttons, the remains of this run of the Heavenly Bodies buttons, and some brand new shrink film Kara charms.  I'd also developed a new system for organzing my extra copies, which I'll be sharing with you guys soon.

The point of holding the Mini Comics Expo on the last day of Editor's Day weekend was to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate to the editors and other students their convention setups and preparedness.  Earlier in May, Heidi and I had given a convention preparation presentation for Professor Anthony Fisher's Self Publishing and Self Promotion classes, with mixed results, so we'd hoped to see some impressive displays.  I sent Joseph around with my cellphone to snap some pictures.

The Exhibiting Artists

All in all, this Mini Comics Expo was a bit of a bust compared to last year's. It was great to show editors our mettle, as I feel like conventions are one place I can stand on equal ground with other students.  I ended up getting very heat sick, since I had little opportunity to leave my table, it wasn't easy to get water or cool down.  Although there was a fairly good-sized crowd, sales were sluggish for me.

I still managed to learn a few things.  My acrylic charms are such a huge seller, and having a small, picked over selection really hurt my overall sales.  I've been waiting for InkIt to open up their rasterization tool so I may submit new charm designs.  Although I sent Joseph around to buy mini comics, I didn't get much of a chance to leave the table, so I didn't get to purchase any in person.  At small cons like this, walking around and trading or purchasing mini comics can really make a difference in overall goodwill, and unfortunately the goodwill Joseph earned isn't transferred to me (although we share the comics and the expense of them).
