RSG Ch 2 P 9

C&C please.  It's gonna be an allnighter, I have to finish page 10 tonight, so expect more from me later.  As always, thanks guys, for the input.  You're a huge help.


  1. Oh ugh, I see a slipup already. Gotta go in and fix that.

  2. In the first panel. your use of shadow/side delineation is inconsistent between the chair, the bed, and the latter. If they represent shadows the legs of the chair should likely all be shadowed. If they are just sides of the legs then, unless the legs have three sides, you should be able to see another side on the leg furtherest from the camera. It's just confusing. Also, probably more important, your chair looks like a table with a back nailed onto it. Finally, the toys in the box look sketched out, is this a stylistic choice or an over site? I presume the latter because there's red in one of the bears. I think it looks good (minus the red) but a bit confusing, again, because they don't have much depth and it breaks your style.

    I like the breaks out of the panels on the smaller panels. Also, I think the gadget is amusing in panel 4.

    I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the edges around the border of the entire page (minus upper left) It's distracting. Also, long extension on bottom right of panel seven looks sloppy.

    Finally, good job on the junky room.


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