April Art Dump

Sorry these are all out of order.  When in chronological order, they'd be easier to explain, as they were done just prior to Fluke, during Fluke, in between Fluke and MoCCA, and during MoCCA, and seeing them in order gives good insight to my thought process.  I am a failboat, and I apologize.  I'll attempt to explain anyway.  This was doodled during Fluke.

Drawn during Fluke, trying to be a bit more dynamic with my storytelling.  Kara climbing up nails.

After Fluke, mouth practice.

After Fluke, Pixelovely figure practice.

After Fluke, facial study, figure practice, expression practice.

After Fluke, realized that drawing top lip when someone is looking up emphasizes the gesture.  Wanted to try it out.

Marker practice, done after Fluke.  It was going to be a mini print for MoCCA

Tree studies from photos, inspired by how Faith Erin Hicks did trees in Friends with Boys.

Drawn  at MoCCA, just kinda killin' time.  There's Frankie, top middle!

Hand study, drawn before Fluke.

Drawn at MoCCA, just killin time.  Bottom left was inspired by Eric Lide talkin' about vomit with SVA kids.

Mouth studies drawn from  photographs.  Done after Fluke.

Tone studies, inspired by the tonework in Friends with Boys and a Kara doodle.  Done after Fluke.

Werewolf, drawn after MoCCA.  Gonna practice my inking for high contrast on this.

Drawn at MoCCA

Drawn at MoCCA

Started at MoCCA, finished after.

Style practice, drawn after MoCCA.  Figure and facial study, drawn after MoCCA.

Figure and facial study, drawn after MoCCA.

Drawn before Fluke.

A monster generator girl- "Nasty orge girl who wears skinny jeans and needs Cyclone"  Cyclone is her pet alligator.  She's pickin' her nose.

Drawn after Fluke and finished today.

Drawn before Fluke.

Drawn at Fluke.

Drawn at Fluke.

Drawn at Fluke

Drawn at Fluke

Drawn at Fluke
